a nursing informatics toolbox

Efficiency is the Word- Smart Trainer for Office Shortcuts


In Nursing Informatics, proficiency in Microsoft Office application is a required skill. It is as important as learning to swim before signing up as a NAVY SEAL. This is why we need to brush it up  every day. You can buy books and try to learn new tricks and shortcuts daily. I tried it but it doesn’t seem natural and I tend to forget it easily. A better option is to print this printable shortcut list and post it close to your desk so you can refer to it as need arises which allows you to master the shortcuts based on your real-time need.

There are, indeed, several ways to slowly absorb these skills into your system. But I think there is no way better than using EFFICIENCY. Yes, efficiency. I am not talking about “efficacy, effectiveness or adeptness”. I am talking about an app called EFFICIENCY. I think this is the “Rosetta Stone” of office applications. 

Windows: Efficiency is a free program that trains you to use keyboard shortcuts in Windows and Microsoft Office (2010 and 2007) Word and Excel. The app shows you the keyboard shortcuts associated with your mouse movements to help you learn them.

Clicking on the bold button in the ribbon in Excel, for example, will bring up a little notification that you could use Ctrl+2 next time. When you use Ctrl+2 the next time, Efficiency will offer you some positive reinforcement (“good job!”). The program also keep track of your progress in learning the many keyboard shortcuts available (there are over 150 in Excel), and you can turn some shortcut notifications off if you like—e.g., the Delete button.

What are you waiting for? Give it a try! You can download it here.