a nursing informatics toolbox

an app a day keeps medication error away…..The Artemis Safedose System

The Institute of Medicine’s report entitled “Preventing Medication Errors: Quality Chasm Series” reiterates its previous findings that medication error is one of the most prevalent and costliest problem in our current healthcare system. As nurses, we all know that these events really happen in the clinical area. In minor cases, it can even go unreported. Nobody is immune from this mistake. Even the most cautious RN can accidentally administer the wrong medication or dosage. We’re only human after all.

Fortunately, technology has been really handy these days. The medication barcoding system is one of the best things that happen to me as an RN since the fleet’s enema. My only concern is that Wal-Mart has been using it for 25 years, how come healthcare just realized its benefits now? But anyway, my main agenda is to introduce you to this revolutionary idea of Dr. James Broselow. Dr. James Who? Dr. James Broselow is the inventor of the Broselow Tape. Tape what?!! Ok…here’s a link to Dr. Broselow’s Bio and his now famous Broselow Tape.

Here’s a video segment from a TV show ER, where they showed what a Broselow Tape is: ER-Broselow Tape segment

This time he came up with the Artemis SafeDose system. It is an application with a simple objective of ensuring safe and effective drug administration to pediatric patients. It works on iPad, iPhone, Blackberry and Android devices. Here’s the video to explain how it works:


Institute of Medicine