a nursing informatics toolbox

Proper Body Mechanics for a Nurse Informaticist

It is possible that when you shifted from Clinical Nursing to Nurse Informatics you thought that body mechanics is a thing of the past. You are entirely wrong! Research shows that  sitting in front of the computer for a long time can cause injuries such as Repetitive Strain Injuries (RSI), back pain and other related problems. In case you also forgot, here are the symptoms of RSI:

  • Itchiness, numbness, coldness, or loss of sensation
  • Muscles in the arms and shoulders feel hard
  • While lying in bed, you feel pain
  • Repetitive pain, soreness in neck, shoulders, upper back, wrist or hands
  • Aching, burning, swelling and loss of joint movements and strength in the affected area

It’s not fun Right? You don’t have to suffer that if you ensure proper positioning at all times. Here are some tips that can help you do that.


  • You must pay attention to pain and fatigue. Stop using the computer before you begin to feel symptoms.
  • Pay attention to position. The head and back should be in a straight line format from ears to pelvis.
  • The head and shoulders should not be bent forward.
  • Take regular breaks to prevent stress on your eyes and to refresh your mind.
  • Do not rest your wrist on a pad. Hold your wrists straight, rather than bent up, down or to the side.
  • Try different input devices rather than the mouse and keyboard. Consider speech recognition, graphics tablets, tablet PC’s or trackballs.
  • Do regular exercises, get adequate sleep, drink enough water, and stop smoking. This will help to strengthen your body and improves blood flow in the affected muscles.
  • Practice breathing exercises, this will help you for muscle relaxation.


Here’s a tip on how to do that courtesy of “to the PC”. Check it Out!